NSP Goal
| Outcome Measure
| Downloads and scorecard links
1 |
Reduce vulnerability to HIV infection & the impact of AIDS |
Population living below $1 per day |
2 |
Reduce sexual transmission of HIV |
Condom use at last sexual intercourse |
2 |
Reduce sexual transmission of HIV |
Age at sexual debut |
2 |
Reduce sexual transmission of HIV |
Multiple sexual partners |
2 |
Reduce sexual transmission of HIV |
Teenage pregnancy rate |
3 |
Reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV |
HIV testing amongst pregnant women |
3 |
Reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV |
Access to PMTCT prophylaxis amongst HIV-positive pregnant women |

3 |
Reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV |
Percentage of infants born to HIV - infected mothers who are infected |
Reduce HIV prevalence |
HIV Prevalence among pregnant women |
Reduce HIV prevalence |
HIV Prevalence among children |